Education and Training

PhD. Industrial systems engineering; Université de Lorraine (Nancy, France)

Subject: Integration of stakeholders’ preferences in the co-design process: application in the healthcare system.

Supervisors: Professor Eric Bonjour, Associate professor Auguste Rakotondranaivo

MsC. Global Design - Industrial design and innovation management; Université de Lorraine (Nancy, France)

Subject: Traceability of engineers actions durign the desing process for kowledge reuse

BE. Electronic Engineering; Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Cali, Colombia)

Subject: Robotic collaborative photo-sahring system for Kodak Eastman Co. as part of the ME310 Standford University course

Work Experience

Lecturer; Université de Strasbourg, Laboratoire ICube (Strasbourg, France).

Teaching for the Industrial Engineering spés. Industrial Productics and Design Engineering at the Faculty of Physics and Engineering. UE: Introduction to research, Optimum quality, Project management (agile projects), Business intelligence and strategy, Environmental excellence. Teaching tutor for 7 M1 work-study students. Research with the CSIP team at the ICube laboratory: development of protocols for evaluating the use and ergonomics of new products; tool for analyzing the manual handling task and the influence of the exoskeleton support in virtual reality (project selected in the iCube 2023 internal API).

Research Associate; Université de Lorraine (Nancy, France)

Researcher at Lorraine Fab Living Lab of the ERPI Laboratory. Responsible for the development of use assessment protocols to better understand the users’ experience to provide better products and services. Working on the joint-research program N-hum-inno (ANR LabCom)

Some research projects include:

  • Integrating users’ preferences during the co-design process.
  • New product acceptability evaluation and improvement.
  • Improving user experience using Eye-tracking devices.
  • Improvement of the assessments of surgical procedures.
  • Development of a 3D printed dry-model jaw for surgical implantology training
  • Smart-mobility solutions co-design
Teaching and Research Assistant; Université de Lorraine (Nancy, France)

Researcher at the ERPI Laboratory. My research focused on understanding users’ experience to provide better products and services.

Teaching at the ENSGSI engineering school courses on: Logistics, Project Management, Agile Methodologies, Decision-Making, Control of Linear Systems and Optimization methods, Big-data for Smart-city development.

PhD researcher; Université de Lorraine (Nancy, France)

Researcher at the ERPI Laboratory.

Research: Integrating users’ preferences during the co-design process. New product acceptability evaluation and improvement. user-driven innovation, socio-technical systems design, healthcare systems. Use of Bayesian networks to evaluate a product’s acceptability through data-mining and prediction of future scenarios.

Development engineer; CAV ingenieros (Cali, Colombia)

Design and develop industrial automation solutions. Help clients to identify their industrial automation needs. Design automation solutions integrating computer vision systems (Cognex), PLC and industrial robotics (KUKA).

Development of an automatic label recognition system for product quality improvement on the industrial site of Johnson&Johnson (Cali, CO).

Design and development of a automatic quality control for an Intravenous Sodium Bicarbonate production line of Baxter Laboratories (Cali, CO).

IT coordinator Azurita S.A. (Cali, Colombia)

Design and coordinate automation (domotic) projects: CASONA (Cali), Cartagena’s appartments, Key Biscayne Site (USA), Main office (Cali).

Project management and coordination between a multidisciplinary team (architects, electrical engineers, software developers and technicians) from design to implementation phase.

Automation engineer Omnicon S.A. (Cali, Colombia)

Engineer of the international project’s team.

Design and implementation of different industrial automation projects.

Development, implementation, and commissioning of the Tate&Lyle’s Fort Dodge (IA, USA) industrial site.

Language Skills

  • Spanish
  • French
  • English